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Virtual Synths (vSynths)

SIP-89 introduced the concept of virtual synths. That is, upon exchanging a new ERC20 contract is created with virtual synths issued 1:1 representing a claim on those underlying synths. These virtual synths can be split up and transferred to any other wallet. Once the fee reclamation waiting period has expired (via SystemSettings.waitingPeriodSecs), anyone can settle the virtual synths, burning them and transferring the holder their proportion of the synths from the settled trade.

Alternative Implementations

The exchangeWithVirtual function creates and returns an ERC20 of Virtual Synths but strictly this is not necessary. Smart contract authors can simply exchange with Synthetix as a contract and manage the underlying synth distribution themsevles. Curve for instance with their Cross Asset Swaps did just this, using an NFT to hold the underlying synths instead of an ERC20 (see

Virtual Synth API

There are two steps to Virtual Synths

  1. Create the virtual synth contract via Synthetix.exchangeWithVirtual() - this function outputs the new VirtualSynth contract address for the next step
  2. Once VirtualSynth.secsLeftInWaitingPeriod is 0 (and it's readyToSettle), invoke VirtualSynth.settle(address) to burn the virtual synths and transfer the proportion of underlying synths to the address.

1. Creation of Virtual Synth Contract


Destination contract (address): ProxyERC20

Target contract (ABI): Synthetix

Note: Synthetix uses a proxy system. The ABI of the underlying Synthetix ProxyERC20 contract you need is Synthetix. Learn more about how proxies work by visiting the overview page


Events Emitted

On a successful transaction, the following events occur:

If any fees are owing or owed, these events will come first. See trade settlement for information.

Following any reclaims or rebates, the following events then occur:

name emitted on address from address to uint value
Transfer Proxy<src> msg.sender (or user) 0x0 fromAmount
name emitted on address account uint value
Burned Proxy<src> msg.sender (or user) fromAmount
name emitted on address from address to uint value
Transfer Proxy<dest> 0x0 msg.sender (or user) toAmount - fee
name emitted on address synth address recipient address virtualSynth bytes32 currencyKey uint amount
VirtualSynthCreated Exchanger Proxy<dest> msg.sender (or user) the new VirtualSynth contract address the synth key that is being virtualized the amount issued
name emitted on address from address to uint value
Transfer ProxysUSD 0x0 FEE_ADDRESS fee
name emitted on address account uint value
Issued ProxysUSD FEE_ADDRESS fee
name emitted on uint cachedDebt
DebtCacheUpdated DebtCache New cachedDebt in the system (see SIP-91)
name emitted on address account bytes32 src uint fromAmount bytes32 dest uint toAmount address toAddress
SynthExchange ProxySynthetix msg.sender
(or user)
src fromAmount dest toAmount - fee msg.sender
(or user)
name emitted on address account bytes32 src uint amount bytes32 dest uint amountReceived uint exchangeFeeRate uint roundIdForSrc uint roundIdForDest
ExchangeEntryAppended Exchanger msg.sender
(or user)
src fromAmount dest toAmount - fee the exchangeFeeRate paid the roundId for rate of src synth the roundId for rate of dest synth

Example Transactions on Mainnet

  • Synthetix.exchangeWithVirtual(sUSD, 101e18, sBTC, 0x0)

2. Settlement


VirtualSynth: This address is unique to each exchange. It is returned as the second part of the tuple returned from exchangeWithVirtual():(uint amountReceived, address vSynth). It is also emitted in the VirtualSynthCreated event from the transaction above (see address vSynth).

Target contract (ABI): VirtualSynth


Multiple Invocations

Because Virtual Synths are an ERC20, they can be distributed to any number of other accounts. However, the ERC20 contract itself must be settled once for all holders. This is done on the first invocation of VirtualSynth.settle(address account). Thus more gas is paid for the first invocation that subsequent ones.

Events Emitted

On a successful transaction, the following events occur:

For the first settlement of the entire VirtualSynth contract:

name emitted on address account bytes32 src uint amount bytes32 dest uint reclaim uint rebate uint srcRoundIdAtPeriodEnd uint destRoundIdAtPeriodEnd uint exchangeTimestamp
ExchangeEntrySettled Exchanger msg.sender
(or user)
src fromAmount dest reclaimedAmount if any rebateAmount if any the roundId for rate of src synth at waiting period expiry the roundId for rate of dest synth at waiting period expiry the timestamp of the exchange
name emitted on uint totalSupply uint amountAfterSettled
Settled VirtualSynth The totalSupply of the virtual synth The amount of the synth remaining after settlement (after reclaims removed or rebates added)

Once the Virtual contract is settled, individual account holders see the following events:

name emitted on address from address to uint value
Transfer Proxy<src> VirtualSynth account The user is sent their proportionate amount of synths
name emitted on address from address to uint value
Transfer VirtualSynth account 0x0 The user's vSynths are burned

Example Transactions on Mainnet

  • VirtualSynth.settle(0xee34e8)

Code Snippets

Exchanging sUSD for sBTC using vSynths

pragma solidity 0.5.16;

import "openzeppelin-solidity-2.3.0/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

import "synthetix/contracts/interfaces/IAddressResolver.sol";
import "synthetix/contracts/interfaces/ISynthetix.sol";

contract MyContract {

  // This should be instantiated with our ReadProxyAddressResolver
  // it's a ReadProxy that won't change, so safe to code it here without a setter
  // see for addresses in mainnet and testnets
  IAddressResolver public synthetixResolver;

  constructor(IAddressResolver _snxResolver) public {
      synthetixResolver = _snxResolver;

  function synthetixExchangeVirtual() external {
      ISynthetix synthetix = synthetixResolver.getAddress("Synthetix");

      require(synthetix != address(0), "Synthetix is missing from Synthetix resolver");

      // exchange 100 sUSD for sBTC using virtual synths
      (uint amountReceived, IVirtualSynth vSynth) = synthetix.exchangeWithVirtual("sUSD", 100e18, "sBTC", bytes32(0));

      // This contract now has 100% of the vSynth supply.
      IERC20 vSynthAsERC20 = IERC20(address(vSynth));

      // And send all to the address that invoked this function
      vSynthAsERC20.transfer(msg.sender, amountReceived);
